Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Bittersweet Experience

The passage of 'James Zadroga 9/11 Health and Compensation Act of 2010', the so-called 9/11 First Responders Bill has been a bittersweet experience for me.

It's a pretty much exposed how Republicans will block anything which wouldn't cater to their base, top 2% of income earners. 9/11 has been a catch phrase for the republicans for last 10 years and they dragged country into an unnecessary war using that. But they don't want to help 9/11 first responders when they became sick 'cause of the work they did at Ground Zero.

Republican's excuse for blocking this bill is that they didn't want to vote for any bill until and unless Bush Tax cuts are extended for all including the top 2% income earners. And they don't want to close a tax loophole that "allows companies to incorporate in tax havens and avoid paying taxes on business they conduct in the U.S."

As always, Democrats failed to capitalize on this Republicans blockade. Whoever is running or devising the ad campaign for Democrats should be fired. The thing about Republicans is the conviction with which they do their thing. Even if it means pissing on the middle class or the public servants who served the nation.

Jon Stewart came to the rescue and brought this issue back to the Nation's attention. Except for few, no major media talked about this. Jon ranted about the injustice and invited 4 first responders to his show. After this outrage and media shitstorm, republicans broke ranks and voted along with Democrats to pass the bill. Jon Stewart was compared to Murrow and Cronkite by New York Times. Big praises, but well deserved by Jon and his team.

The bitter part is how they fund this bill. As I said above, Republicans refused to vote to close the tax loophole. Here comes the rescue!! Create another type of fee on companies that rely on H-1B and L-1 visas. I searched so much to find the literature of his bill, but i didn't find anything. I want to see how this new fee would be. H1 visa holders has been taking a beating for a while. Back in summer, Obama administration proposed to pay for Border Security force with a $2000 filing fee increase on H1B visas. Interesting part of this is NY Senior Senator Chuck Schumer is behind both of these bills. I used to think Chuck Grassley of Iowa is the most hostile person to H1-B visa, but publicity maniac Schumer doesn't want to be left behind.

How exactly 9/11 responders and H1B visas are related? House and Senate keep sucking money out of this visa holders whenever they need some funds for bill which doesn't have budget provisions. I understand that democrats tried, but in the end they always give in.

When would this stop? Only if Non immigrant tech workers have some voice like Hispanic communities...


Comedy Central video

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