Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Bittersweet Experience

The passage of 'James Zadroga 9/11 Health and Compensation Act of 2010', the so-called 9/11 First Responders Bill has been a bittersweet experience for me.

It's a pretty much exposed how Republicans will block anything which wouldn't cater to their base, top 2% of income earners. 9/11 has been a catch phrase for the republicans for last 10 years and they dragged country into an unnecessary war using that. But they don't want to help 9/11 first responders when they became sick 'cause of the work they did at Ground Zero.

Republican's excuse for blocking this bill is that they didn't want to vote for any bill until and unless Bush Tax cuts are extended for all including the top 2% income earners. And they don't want to close a tax loophole that "allows companies to incorporate in tax havens and avoid paying taxes on business they conduct in the U.S."

As always, Democrats failed to capitalize on this Republicans blockade. Whoever is running or devising the ad campaign for Democrats should be fired. The thing about Republicans is the conviction with which they do their thing. Even if it means pissing on the middle class or the public servants who served the nation.

Jon Stewart came to the rescue and brought this issue back to the Nation's attention. Except for few, no major media talked about this. Jon ranted about the injustice and invited 4 first responders to his show. After this outrage and media shitstorm, republicans broke ranks and voted along with Democrats to pass the bill. Jon Stewart was compared to Murrow and Cronkite by New York Times. Big praises, but well deserved by Jon and his team.

The bitter part is how they fund this bill. As I said above, Republicans refused to vote to close the tax loophole. Here comes the rescue!! Create another type of fee on companies that rely on H-1B and L-1 visas. I searched so much to find the literature of his bill, but i didn't find anything. I want to see how this new fee would be. H1 visa holders has been taking a beating for a while. Back in summer, Obama administration proposed to pay for Border Security force with a $2000 filing fee increase on H1B visas. Interesting part of this is NY Senior Senator Chuck Schumer is behind both of these bills. I used to think Chuck Grassley of Iowa is the most hostile person to H1-B visa, but publicity maniac Schumer doesn't want to be left behind.

How exactly 9/11 responders and H1B visas are related? House and Senate keep sucking money out of this visa holders whenever they need some funds for bill which doesn't have budget provisions. I understand that democrats tried, but in the end they always give in.

When would this stop? Only if Non immigrant tech workers have some voice like Hispanic communities...


Comedy Central video

Saturday, December 11, 2010

Manufacturing Jobs, a novice idea.

Today our unemployment rate is 9.5. But as per National Bureau of Economic Research, recession ended in June'09 itself. Nation isn't feeling that yet, at least I'm not feeling that confident.

During depression era, FDR tried to lift country out of depression with New deal, TVA, PWA et al. Those employed many young men and it took the country out of depression. World War 2 also helped. There're so many orders for planes, tankers etc. There're new factories and construction jobs every where and created a new middle class.

In this recession also, Obama tried the same trick with Recovery act (the infamous stimulus). It didn't help much, there're opposition from conservatives for any new spending. I saw only few signs on free ways, indicating that recovery act funded that construction.

It's a proven thing that manufacturing jobs are the jobs which will lift any country from recession. One thing which I find amusing and saddening is that everything around is made in China. Is there a way, we can bring back at least few of those jobs. Electronic devices manufacturing comes to mind as I spend most of my time with them or thinking about them

Let's look at Foxconn, which many of you might not heard of. It's a huge Contract Manunfacturer in Asia with global workforce of 920K+ (mostly in China, Taiwan) and revenue of 60B USD for the financial year of 2010.

If government can construct and operate a contract manufacturing complex like that here in USA, we can create thousands of new jobs. All the consumer devices giants can pitch in and make it a Universal Manufacturing complex. HP, Apple, Dell, Motorola, Seagate, Cisco, Juniper, BestBuy should all join. No need to worry about confidentiality of designs et al. Foxconn serves so many western giants with very good track record of secrecy.

Of course all the devices prices will jump in. Govt can jump in and create a no tax zone, give exemption from regulation. (Health Insurance exemption, if you will!) The USP of Foxconn is it's cheap manufacturing costs. That's because, it's just a sweat shop where there's practically no regulation about employee conditions. If manufactured in USA, a basic iPad can cost 700 to 900 USD, which costs 500 now. But if private enterprise and govt can bite the bullet for some time and sell that product for less price for some time, this venture can be made profitable. With rhetoric so high in country now, it shouldn't be that tough to convince consumers to buy a slightly expensive product with a sticker 'Proudly made in USA'. Phobia that China is going to cross USA as super power will also help.

Now if we've to bring back outsourced software jobs from India and other countries, we need more college educated people which wouldn't happen overnight. These assembly line manufacturing jobs wouldn't require rocket scientists or college grads. We still need people with knowledge in engineering, logistics, operations and govt policy and people who can act as liaison between government and private sector.

Make no mistake, Foxconn didn't become this huge overnight. It was started in 1974. But private enterprise have money and potential to sponsor this kind of complex. Look at Manhattan Project, US developed Atom Bomb in 6 years. All we need is will and help from government. This will also reduce our trade deficit, which is at alarming high.

I'm also afraid that these min. wage salaries will become baseline for the next generations. But it's good to have people employed rather than spending tax payer's money for unemployment wages. Govt. can also include a clause on how wages should rise along with profitability. If this project get's profitable govt can slowly roll of the Tax benefits. Treasury proved that ,even TARP bailouts are profitable.

If this hypothetical scenario is ever implemented, USA will face strong opposition from China on global arena. But USA should act tough and twist few arms. Diplomacy shouldn't cost a nation's economy. If 10% of workforce remains unemployed, it's a lie to say it's out of recession.


(I understand that this post might've sounded very presumptive, but couldn't resist posting it)

Update: 12/21/10
This is from the latest issue of BusinessWeek
In 2010 US 937K (non-farm) jobs .
Foxconn itself added 300K+ jobs.

Right here we can see, how many jobs foxconn is creating which can be created here in US with some effort.

Monday, December 6, 2010

ఈనాడు పాఠకులకు తెలుగు నిఘంటువు

తెలుగు బాషని నిలబెట్టాలని, కొన్ని పదాలు మరుగున పడకుండా చూడాలని ఈనాడు దినపత్రిక కంకణం కట్టుకుంది. మంచి ఆలోచనే కాని వాడుక లో లేని పదాలని వాడి, క్రొత్త పదాలని సృష్టించి అందరిని ఇబ్బంది పెడుతుంది.

మచ్చుకి కొన్ని ..

ఈనాడు వాడుక
హజం పొగరు
వణిక్ వాణిజ్యం
అంతర్జాలం ఇంటర్నెట్
సామాజిక నెట్వర్కింగ్ సోషల్ నెట్వర్కింగ్
గుత్తేదార్లు కాంట్రాక్టర్స్
సంయుక్త సంచాలకుడు జాయింట్ సెక్రటరీ
వూబకాయం ఓబెసిటీ
ప్రాంగణ నియామకాలు క్యాంపస్ ప్లేస్మెంట్స్
దృశ్య మాధ్యమ visual media
నిర్లవణీకరణము desalination
సమావేశ మందిరము conference room
ఖనిజ జలం mineral water

నా స్నేహితులలో కొంత మందికి తెలుగు చదవటమే రాదు. మరి చదవగలిగిన వాళ్ళకి బాష మీద మక్కువ పెంచాలన్నదే ఈనాడు ధ్యేయమా లేక బాష ని అభివృద్ది చేయాలనే భాద్యతను తన భుజస్కంధాల పైన తనే వేసుకున్నదా?

మరి ఇన్ని తెలుగు పదాలని వాడుతున్నవాళ్ళు దవాఖానా అనే పదాన్ని వాడారు! దవాఖానా అంటే ఆస్పత్రి. మరి దానికి ఉర్దూ బాష నుంచి వచ్చిన పదాన్నిఎందుకు వాడారో?

ఇంకొన్ని పదాలు గ్యాపకం లేవు. క్రొత్తవి ఏమైనా తారసపడినా, పాతవి గ్యాపకం వచ్చినా ఇక్కడ చేరుస్తాను. పాఠకులు, ఇక్కడ తప్పులు ఏమైన ఉంటే మన్నించి తమ సలహాలను కామెంట్స్ లొ తెలువలసినదిగా మనవి.

addendum : 05/15/2011 - ఖనిజ జలంని సూచించిన అశోక్ కి ధన్యవాదములుupdate