Saturday, June 5, 2010

The new face of BP

The situation in Gulf is getting worse day by day. It might take few years to clean the whole mess. But it might take at least a decade for the local economy to recover from this. It's like another Katrina sans Bush.

Public is outraged at BP, and many of them are venting out in different creative ways. Folks at started a contest, asked people on interwebs to create a new BP logo. As expected they didn't disappoint. Here're the contributions. Of all the submissions this one caught my attention. I'm gonna vote for this

For the starters, this is a mashup of an iconic picture from Vietnam war. Read about it here.

I see that BP engineers are trying hard to fix this. All the outraged people have to understand that high level C suite people makes decision that screw up safety and preparedness. But now the technical and engineering staff are under spotlight fixing this. Media and boneheaded pundits jump in and picture them as borderline incompetent.

But with the kind of remarks BP CEO is making, this criticism and public outrage is not unwarranted. He should really STFU and let his staff do the thing. It really makes me angry whenever BP executives say 'legitimate claims'.

Kids, if you're reading this..I'm sorry to break it to you. I'm afraid that Spongebob might not make it.

pic courtesy sir mitchell

Jokes aside, my condolences to the families of 11 BP employees who lost their lives in this explosion.

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