Monday, May 17, 2010

మనసు కవి ఆత్రేయ

I really want to take a break from my endless rants about society and injustice and share my thoughts about my other favorite pastime - listening to music.

In Telugu music, Aathreya is my fav lyricist. I might not've listened to all his lyrics but I remember many lyrics which makes us think or leave us in awe with his words. He was aptly titled as మనసు కవి (Manasu Kavi)

Whenever I read or see anything about Aathreya, the first thing I remember is Prem Nagar movie. All the songs from that movie are really awesome in all the possible genres. Romance, pathos, promiscuity, metaphor, alcoholism. You name it, he got it. My personal favorites are మనసు గతి ఇంతే, ఎవరి కోసం, ఎవరో రావాలి..

Few of my other favorites are from maro charitra, aakali rajyam et al

My new fav songs are from Abhinandana. I listened to them since my, childhood but never paid attention to the charanams. (As a kid, I was only interested in action movies. I didn't have enough maturity to understand these lines either). Lately abhinandhana songs started popping up on my random playlist more often. So I paid more attention to charanams and I'm really amazed.

Here're few lines from 'ఎదుటా నీవే' lyric which really mesmerized me
స్వప్నాలన్నీ క్షణికాలేగా
సత్యాలన్నీ నరకాలేగా..

స్వప్నం సత్యం అయితే వింత
సత్యం స్వప్నం అయ్యేదుందా..

For one thing, every bit of those lines are true. And the other thing is his amazing play on words. Of course, I'm short of words in Telugu and English to describe this.

Abhinandana's music is one of the greatest albums in Telugu. It wouldn't have attained that kinda immortality without the contribution of Ilayaraja and SPB. Either Ilayaraja's melodious music or SPB's soulful rendering of the songs , we can't praise them enough.

All the three deserve claim for this gem of Telugu music.


I started practicing Telugu writing through and gmail. One of these days, I want to write a whole blog in telugu, but I'm not skilled enough yet. And I'm highly doubtful of my ability to use Telugu words aptly.

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