Monday, March 15, 2010

Creative genius of M.F.Husaain and honor of Hinduism

While browsing aimlessly at work, I stumbled upon this gem of journalism

This BBC journalist got concerned India is loosing a creative genius like M.F.Hussain, 'cause of Hindu fundamentalists. Let's get the facts straight. M.F.Hussain drew nude portraits of Hindu Goddesses and Bharat mata and he's unapologetic about it. He got death threats and he fled abroad. Now he took citizenship of Qatar so that Indian courts can't arraign him. So along with the some secular people of India, this journalist is also saddened and outraged.

Let's give benefit of doubt to Hussain's art and assume that he draws all the feminine form without clothes. Wrong, he only drew Hindu Goddesses and Bharat Mata in nude form. He drew his mother's pictures with clothes only. Now, that's hypocrite.

Ok just for a second, let's buy this bull crap 'Freedom of expression' argument. He drew another painting by name 'Rape of India' in response to Mumbai terrorist attacks. He's a repeat offender. Along with Freedom of Expression, there's a personal responsibility also.

Let's recall how many death threats did the Danish cartoonist receive for depicting mohammed prophet as terrorist. Remember Taslima Nasreen fleeing to Sweden. and who'd forget Salman Rushdie. But I don't recall many Indian journalists outraged about freedom of expression with all those previous instances. All they saw was minorities defending their religion and honor.

The point I'm trying to make here is every body loves their religion and defends it. I don't condone Danish cartoons. I can't speak about Rushdie's and Taslima's works as I didn't read'em. It's natural that people get outraged and issue Fatwas and all that clerical shit. But, I've to say that Islam fundamentalists go overboard on this. I don't see a problem with Hussain taking Qatar citizenship either.

But I've problem with political correctness of media in India and elsewhere. Even if the author doesn't believe in religion, this article is biased. Please stop publishing this kinda BS just to prove your journalistic mettle. And the politicians of India, how much more dignity we've to loose so that you gain muslim vote. Chidambaram offered security for M.F.Hussain also. Please end this religion vote politics. For once, stand up for your country and religion's honor.

As if my words are heard here.

So to answer this journalist's Question, does India deserve M.F.Hussain. Straight answer is NO. Honest answer is fuck M.F.Hussain's art. We'll never understand it and India isn't gaining anything cause of him. I'd rather keep my religion's and country's honor rather than secular label.

Jai Hind

P.S. My friend Karun pointed me to a telugu article published by Telugu movie actor Gollapudi Maruthi Rao about this. If you can read Telugu, please take a moment to read that. Unlike me, he wouldn't curse and his write up is more balanced.

1 comment:

chandu said...

good riddance..atleast this F#%^&* Hussein isn't an Indian citizen now.