Monday, January 11, 2010

Broadcast censorship?!

The past few weeks in AP have been disgusting. It almost makes us wonder why we needed independence from the British in the first place. We imitate the west in almost everything we do, except we cannot think like them or do things like them. With all the stuff going on in India and especially in AP and with a gazillion news channels, news is no longer news. Media, unfortunately is the culprit here.

While Telangana issue is one thing, they way various channels have been covering issues is disappointing. Whether it is N.D.Tiwari's sex scandal (ABN) or the reliance issue (TV5,NTV,Sakshi) or the recent PRP candidates sex scandal (ABN) in vizag, media should be restraint in the way they show the news. While I do not beleive we should censor honest news, with the way things are being broadcast in India, I think we should re-think the whole policy of censorship. One think that is missing from this ( is "broadcast censorship".

Ideally, we would not need censorship, but when TV channels lack ethics and don't know the limits, we probably do! If journalism and media or the whole TV model is based on TRP ratings and profit, then its hard to really depend on the 24/7 news channels for news. Its also a pity that people can hardly think independently anymore. We blindly depend on TV and politicians and act out of ego and emotion rather than think over any issues.

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