Thursday, July 10, 2008


Got an e-mail from northwest airlines, asking me to visit this website stop oil speculation now. So now airlines also joined the bandwagon. Even they need some one to blame for their poor customer service, airline delays (lemme say it again, new york area airports sucks...aah I feel better)

But seriously this website is a coalition of all the airlines, freight operators etc. and they raise some important points "....As speculators continue to dominate the market, the volume of oil traded “on paper” has been as high as 22 times greater than the volume of oil consumed...". This isn't a good sign

And they've suggestions also. The point I want to make here is I'm not a airlines fans, but I've to take their side in this issue. An there're some rules in this commodity trading lobbied by Enron. Duh.

People who follow this blog(if there're any out there..) might be pretty bored with oil speculation topic. Few guys in Connecticut, New York and London are taking us for a ride. that particular thought is killing me.

Anyways if you're convinced, please write to your local senators.

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