Sunday, July 27, 2008

Hyderabad : Does it belong to India

Past few days, I'm really bothered by bomb blasts. I really feel powerless and defeated. Called up my friend in India to talk about these.

Then he mentioned about this incident in Hydereabad city.

My friend/owner of this blog's intention is to keep this blog as PG-13. But It's really tough for me to hold my words today.

So now we've a muslim mothertrucker MLA who opened fire, since corporation officials tried to demolish a encroachment. And his entourage started beating corporation workers. People, ambulances got stuck up in traffic for 6 hours. Other legislators, CM has to mediate to reduce the tensions. And yes, case has been filed on the officer who orderd the demolotion of these buildings

This all happened on the day after 45 people're killed in Ahmedabad, beacuse of bomb blasts perpetrated by muslim SOBs. I've to ask, where is India heading. Every day I read how many high end retailers are opening shops in India and how many luxurys cars are being bought. And now this is the reality, on how much we progressed.

And, what would it take to ban this MIM party, put these muslim legislators behind bars, kill all the SIMI members. My choice of words today is very bad, coz of the anger I've today. Why these muslims are getting free ride every day, every year and every century. And why Hindus has to remain like this. I'm not a War supporter, but Justice has to be served. Sometimes, Modi might be right. Let the people take law into their hands!

And I wonder what's the CBI, RAW, IB's take on old city in hyderabad. What's their plan to clean up this mess. This is like a pakistan inside India.

Rang de Basanti really caught younger generation's imagination and did some good. And now I pray for a film maker with balls to show the reality.

And my request to all my friends, readers. Please stop patronizing Paki/bangladesh/muslim restaurants. You're contributing money to these bomb blasts.

Jai Hind.

Monday, July 21, 2008

Hare Ram - an exhibitor's view

There were two things on my mind that almost prevented me from watching Hare Ram. The first one is Kalyan Ram himself. Unlike many of his generation heroes, I always thought KR lacked the ease in front of camera. His boy next door look is his asset as well as a drawback. The second one is Harshavardhan, the guy that directed Vijayendravarma, who changed his name from Swarna Subbaro. But it is in fact, these two guys that make Hare Ram worth watching.

It is hard to go into the details of the movie without spoiling your experience. Unfortunately, many of the reviews have already done that. About the movie, all I can say is look out for Kalyan Ram, both as an actor and a producer. The movie might have many interesting twists and turns, but the biggest of them all is KR's performance. The scenes with Sudha and Chalapathi Rao at the start of the movie show the ease in his performance. His body language and dialogue delivery have improved a lot. It is always risky to play a double role. Since he is also the producer he must have known this and we can see the difference in both the roles. He put his heart and soul in this movie to come up with an extraordinary performance. This definitely is a turning point film for Kalyan Ram.

The next biggest asset for the movie is the director, Harshavardhan. I still cannot believe it is the same guy that directed Vijayendravarma. The direction is completely different. He seems to have worked hard on each and every scene. The picturization of some of the scenes is awesome. His screenplay is very good especially the flashback episode. The camera angles and close up shots used in some scenes are awesome. He maintained good tempo throughout the film and just when we things are a little slow there is a twist. He handled the climax very well. The last 20 minutes especially is very impressive.

Mickey J Meyer's music is big plus. My personal favorites are Pyar karma seeko na, Laalijo Laalijo and Sariga Padani. On the screen Jairam Jairam song is awesome. Look out for Priyamani in that song ;). The background music is good. Mickey J Meyer's music is different from all the others. His style resembles AR.Rehman, though the orchestration is different and with Hare Ram, he seems like he is here to stay. Mickey J Meyer and Harshavardan, both complemented each other well. Great music and lovely visuals. I cannot stress enough about the rap song Jairam Jairam.

As for the others, Priyamani was a good choice for the role. She was perfect. Just imagine what would have happened to Asadhyudu if she was the heroine in that movie. Some of the episodes involving Brahmanandam and Raghu babu are good and Ali's rain episode clicked well too. Kota as always gives a very good performance. It is sad that he is often ignored.

Overall, this is a very good film to watch and hats off to Kalyan Ram for daring to be different. He did say during the audio function that he will let the audience and fans speak after they watch the movie, and I am pretty sure the talk is unanimous. This movie should also be a good film to watch for all the wannabe directors and producers. But if there are any wannabe producers reading this and looking for a director, feel free to email me (just kidding…but seriously?!).

Friday, July 11, 2008

US airstrike kills 47 civilians in Afghanistan

Imagine if this happened in the US. A missile from Afghan or any other country accidentally landed in a mall or any other public place and killed 47 people. What would be the public reaction? How would the US react? This is not the first time this has happened and the way things are it will not be the last time either. I can’t wait for Bush to complete his term. The US does not participate in the International Criminal Court, but I wish Bush and Cheney are tried for war crimes. From torture to killing civilian casualties, they have done everything they shouldn’t have. I can’t wait for Bush to finish his term, but I am not sure if the next President will do any better.

Thursday, July 10, 2008


Got an e-mail from northwest airlines, asking me to visit this website stop oil speculation now. So now airlines also joined the bandwagon. Even they need some one to blame for their poor customer service, airline delays (lemme say it again, new york area airports sucks...aah I feel better)

But seriously this website is a coalition of all the airlines, freight operators etc. and they raise some important points "....As speculators continue to dominate the market, the volume of oil traded “on paper” has been as high as 22 times greater than the volume of oil consumed...". This isn't a good sign

And they've suggestions also. The point I want to make here is I'm not a airlines fans, but I've to take their side in this issue. An there're some rules in this commodity trading lobbied by Enron. Duh.

People who follow this blog(if there're any out there..) might be pretty bored with oil speculation topic. Few guys in Connecticut, New York and London are taking us for a ride. that particular thought is killing me.

Anyways if you're convinced, please write to your local senators.

Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Stupidest biased article ever read

Read this article this morning. I've to disagree with the writer

Ok I'm not a wall street guy, I'm just an average Indian IT guy with too much negative energy. But this guy is really insulting the readers intelligence.

Let's look at his argument. Since the speculators are not taking the physical delivery of the oil, they're not responsible for the exponential growth in oil prices. But if too much money is chasing too few oil contracts, wouldnt' that raise the price

Say a Goldman sachs guy bought an august's oil futures contract for X dollars for the hedge fund in june. He'll sell the contract to a refienry in the month of June for ...say X+Y dollars. So isn't he making a profit of Y dollars and wouldn't that make a difference in the oil price. Now Y dollars is in billions.

Pardon my french here, but how the F in this world speculators arent' causing the increase. Isn't this taught in Economics 101, too much demand and less supply will increase the price.

Now again a stupid theory that india and china are the reason for oil prices. if demand is increasing at 10% why the prices are increasing at 50% rate.

I've to agree that it's free market economy and every one is in here for profit. Commodities trading has been around for ages, but in the last few years only hedge funds started dumping billions. It wouldn't really matter matter if people are hedging gold and silver. But now the commodities traders are after food supplies and oil futures.

Read the readers comments here