Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Mega fanatics!

2007 was one of the worst years in Chiru's career. Not only did he not have a successful movie, but personally he suffered the loss of his father and also his younger daughter. Anyone that believes in Karma relate his youger daughter's episode to that of Uday Kiran's. An upcoming hero and a hard core fan of chiru almost became his idol's son-in-law and a mega-alludu; Uday Kiran's career would have been very different had things gone his way. Chiru's political aspirations made Uday an instant star, an inter-caste marriage would have fetched chiru good support, however it is believed that due to the force from his community, chiru had to call off the wedding. Unfortunately, Uday was made a scapegoat. Coming back to Karma, chiru got back his dues in the form of Srija. It's hard to blame chiru in this episode, there probably is nothing he could have done, but, nobody knows what exactly happened behind those closed doors when Srija was locked up. 

During that whole episode, there was nothing chiru could have done better. He handled himself well and fast forwarding to the current episode, between Chiru and Rajasekhar, there is nothing he could have done here either. Like Srija said, it is not just about Chiru. It's his fans that she was afraid of. Chiru's fans are probably the worst anyone can have. Some of them love chiru so much that they hate everything about others. They view all others as chiru's enemies. I could hardly find fault with Rajasekhar's statement. When asked if he would join Chiru's party, RS said he would not and when asked for the reason he said, Chiru does not have political experience. An ordinary person would see that as a true statement. However, chiru's so called fans who cannot think straight are hurt by that statement and decide to prove a point and attack Rajasekhar and his family. They also shoot this entire episode and send it to TV9 so they can get their point across? What exactly is their point??? Anyone who speak against chiru, even if it is the truth will not be spared and will be attacked?! Is that what they were trying to say?

I am pretty sure, Mohan Babu is next on their list. If there is a list that mega fans maintain it would definitely be incomplete without his name. It's time for chiru to make up his mind. He exactly might not be responsible directly to any of this, but the way he treats his fans and the way he interacts with his various fans associations, he is sending them wrong messages. He is probably misled by his brothers and brother-in-law. He is getting carried away and is blinded by the people behind him. Unfortunately, he will never be able to realize this. But if he really wants to help people and enter into politics he should look beyond his fans and family. He should start ignoring those fans who expect to be noticed by doing stupid things like this. Democracy and dictatorship cannot coexist. Unfortunately, for Chiru, he has to choose his path before he enters politics. If he truly believes in democracy, he should stop encouraging his stupid fans. Chiru's brother Nagababu issued a statement saying these fans that attacked Rajasekhar and his family are not registered Chiru fans. I wonder what he exactly meant. Something definitely is fishy the way things are. I cannot mention this enough, but Chiru should wake up!!!

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