Sunday, December 16, 2007

NJ abolishes Capital Punishment

I just want to say, I'm proud to be a resident of New Jersey. Last week NJ Assembly and senate passed a law banning capital Punishment. I hope other states follow this soon.

There are so many things I hate about NJ. Too many people, no apartments to rent, lack of parking spots, bad drivers, bad Indian movie theatres...list goes on. But at least there is one thing to cherish about.

But on a serious note, two Indian students were killed in LSU. Chandrasekhar and Kiran kumar, RIP. This again raises the question of relevance/necessity of death penalty. How to punish the murderers. But let's talk about the motives. What I think is the robbery attempt gone bad. Reasons are poverty, easy availability of guns, bad neighborhoods, lack of education and good parenthood.

And apart from the LSU incident, 3 shootings happened in the last 2 weeks. one in Nebraska, two in Colarado. Different places, different people! But the underlying issue is easy availability of Guns. And I didn't hear any complaint from Dems or GOP candidates. Reason, Primaries. No one wants to be in bad books of the gun slinging Middle America. Shame on all the candidates. Yeah I know, NRA is fuckin' powerful. Thank God, we've Bloomberg!

As always I digressed. But just wanted to express my anguish about guns.

Happy Holidays,
Peace out.

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