Saturday, June 18, 2011

Two Speeches

I can't recall who spoke for my Commencement at University of South Carolina in Dec'03. I googled, couldn't find who it is or any quotes. We're all eager to take pictures I guess. After an year in Toastmasters, I developed interest in speaking. And thanks to YouTube, we can watch any commencement speech on Demand now.

It looks like speeches by Comedian / TV show hosts stood out this year
Here're Conan O'Brien & Stephen Colbert speeches.
Conan delivered his speech to Dartmouth Grads and Stephen to Northwestern University.

In Chronological order of the date of commencement address.

Both of them started funny and ended on a very high and teary note. It should be very hard on new grads and parents, to be reminded again by commencement speaker, how bad the job market is.

Congratulations to all the new grads, if any stumble on to this blog.
Things are gonna get better..

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