Sunday, April 19, 2009

Tea Parties : Grassroots or Astroturf?

With broken laptop(that's a second dell) and layoffs at work, I'm not getting much impulse/opportunities to blog. But these tea parties are forcing me to rant.

I didn't clearly understand what're these people angry about. Govt spending, Taxes, bailouts...? If the bailouts are what you're complaining, it's Bush who approved no questions asked $700 bill to Henry Paulson. And if you're complaining about Obama's bailouts, please let him know what's the better way to do it.

If your beef is Government spending, how else you'd pump money into crippling economy where credit is virtually frozen. And America suddenly got a strange disease by name Thriftiness. Now pls don't give me that less govt spending, less taxes and less govt are good for country. We're enjoying the fruits of Bush taxes now. In Bush's 8 years Rich became filthy rich and middle class slipped into poverty.

Conservatives are still singing the old song of tax cuts for corporations. How the F in this world would that benefit us. Don't we have tax cuts for all Big corporations, including oil corporations. And how exactly did that benefit us. Yeah I hear your thing, Trickle Down Economics!! That less taxes means corporations hire more people. Oh really? All these corporations took record profits, laid off people at slightest whims of market and outsourced major chunks of their businesses. Forget about employing more people. It's about retaining jobs now, and for the less fortunate it's about unemployment benefits.

Your conservative hero Reagan raised taxes, not once but twice. And no one talks about it. And please stop quoting his tired Government is not a solution to our problem, government is the problem line. With the deregulation spree, we're in this shithole now. And guess what, his so called legacy is being Questioned now

And Question to these so called angry protesters. How many of you make more than $250K per annum. If you're below that, you wouldn't see a single penny increase in tax. For those who make more than $250K, isn't that time that you pay taxes like rest of us.

It appears to me that these conservatives are just angry cause they're out of power. Didn't you enjoy power and ruin it for 8 years. And first 4 years, you didn't even win that.

Now the new poster boy of these retards, Gov. of Texas Rick Perry. He's threatening to cede from the union. Please do, and don't let the 21st century hit you on the way out. (Quoting Bill Maher's line)

Meh, we'll be fine without those good ol' Texas 'tards. And they'll be fine with oil. Oh wait, didn't the mighty US invade Iraq for oil......

And for the faux news contributors and few retards claiming this as grassroots campaign, this ain't grassroots. This is a astroturf campaign


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