I posted a similar blog at the beginning of this year, hoping that 2009 gives us happiness. Well it didn't turn out the way I wanted it to be.
I experienced a big jolt in my career. I kinda learned for the first time, how uncertain are our lives. Many of my friends can understand those cryptic lines.
Let's look at at the major events, either good or bad
Well the honeymoon is over, and Obama ain't a messiah. He can only achieve few things with these kind of republicans in the senate, and centrists like joe lieberman. But you've to give credit for moving this health bill past the senate. And he's just starting on climate control, immigration reform etc. I'm cautiously curious how much he's gonna achieve. And finally let's not forget Afghanistan. It's Obama's war now. I didn't read much about the troop spike in Afghan, but honestly I'm not sure what's the goal and exit strategy.
Rise of Retards
Move on Rush, Glenn Beck in the house. glenn beck, michele bachmann et al are the new superstars of fringe conservatives profiting from dumb people watching faux news. I myself realized for the first time, how people can be manipulated with distorted facts, out of contexts statements. Glenn Beck show is a quite a theater with his blackboard.
Health Care Reform
I didn't read the bill well enough to point the defects, but as per Paul Krugman et al it's a good progress. This is what I realized from the news. It's illegal not to have health insurance (??), government subsidizes the insurance for poor people and here's the best part. Insurance companies can't decline coverage insurance for people using the pre-existing condition as an excuse. That's a big progress.
Here's what missing. Single payer health care. It could've been lot better, if public option is part of the bill. Few democrats took their party for a ride cause of republican filibuster.
Climate Change
As always, few people wouldn't change. Even today half of the America denies climate change. That email scandal didn't help either. It bothers me so much that educated people gets carried away by the ultra right wing propaganda. And then few democrat senators already developed cold feet about cap and trade bill 'cause of the next year's mid term elections. Copenhagen Climate conference didn't make any substantial progress.
Bailouts and aftermath
So much has been written about the public bailouts. Putting the morals aside, returns from bailouts of the banks ain't so bad. Having said that, public can kiss good bye to the money lent to AIG, GMAC, GM. Freddie mac and Fannie Mae are effectively govt companies now.
Populist Outrage
It all started with outrage over bonuses on wall st amid the massive bailouts. And then glenn beck, michelle bachmann used it to stop the health insurance reform. Oh, remember the town halls and tea party protests from summer with angry elder people from middle america. Faux news tooks their propaganda by showing us clips from previous protest. Jon Stewart owned them. Bravo.
At the tail end of year, this Telangana movement gained steam. Being from Andhra, I oppose this separate state. Having said that I don't know much about their struggles since 50s, so I'll restrain from making conclusions. But I'm sure about one thing. Students and employees who're doing all these protests are suffering from myopia. They're only looking for government jobs and politicians are looking for power. But if they loose Hyderabad they'll loose all the revenue which they enjoyed until now. Even if they retain Hyderabad, all the investments from the real estate will be gone and the revenue which comes along with that. movie industry might migrate back to chennai and IT companies might looks for safe locales in chennai, pune and banglore.
Every body knows about the education in Telengana, and the lands aren't suitable for proper agriculture.
I myself suffered from these protests as I'm in India. So many public and private properties are damaged cause of these. APSRTC is the prime victim and easy target for these goons in the disguise of students. These anti social elements should be reined.
and finally some good news
My sister got married to Deep Krishna in Nov and that itself makes 2009 a good year despite other setbacks. Congratulations!!
Few of my friends are expecting children now, congratulations and say hello to sleepless nights :-)
On a whole, 2009 has been an interesting year for me. Met many new people and old friends! Hope 2010 brings happiness and good health to all of us.
(I'm also secretly wishing for comprehensive immigration reform to be friendly for H1Bs!)
Happy New year.
Thursday, December 31, 2009
Thursday, December 17, 2009
Poverty and Prosperity
With ample time in hand, I spent two days in state capital Hyderabad. This 
is the place of contention between Telengana and other parts of State. Truth be told, office spaces and townships here are on par with any city in Western world. Road which leads to Durgamma cheruvu is a clear indicator of land boom. But along with this nouveau riche we'll also witness grinding poverty. The proximity of that kind of poverty is really troubling.
India is a land of diversity. That's true in cultural aspects and also in wealth
distribution. I guess India is one of the countries where so much of wealth is in the hands of very few people. That's true for any country (80:20 theory). But after spending time in the hustle and dust of Indian roads, the disparity is more drastic here in India. The poverty we witness from our train journeys are emotionally exhausting.
The following two things crossed my mind in the last few weeks.
One of the widely quoted lines from the Hindu Dharma is Manava Seve Madhava Seva. Indian people are also very religious. We all go to Temple, pray to God(s) and plead them to fix our problems. After that we'll generously put money in the temple Hundi. The moment we step out of temple, our generosity ends. Half of us wouldn't give a single rupee to the panhandlers. Many of those beggars are really old people with physical ailments. There's no obligation to give money to them, but these are the needy people. Almost all the religions teach the same principle. Feed the needy.
Indian weddings are really long with so many rites and pujas. So much money goes into it. Dinner or Lunch for the guests is one of the significant features of any wedding. These days astronomical amounts of money is spent on food in Weddings. But that's restricted to our guests only. We tip the servers and cooks so less and scold them for asking tips. I am guilty of few things mentioned above.
Above two things which I mentioned are related to the upper middle class families. There's another class in India who gained immense wealth in just 5 years through corruption, and contacts in Government. One prime example is Gali Janardhana Reddy. This person donated a diamond Crown to Tirupathi Venkateswara Swami. That crown costs 42 Cr Rupees. (9 million USD). (Don't get me wrong here, I'm also a devotee of Venkatewara swami, but he's already rich. He's not in dire need of new 9 mil USD Crown.) So all the wealth gained through Nepotism turns into God's jewelery. Ironically he also talked about Madhava Seva and Manava Seva. I wish at least these people help the extreme poor and needy instead of contributing to God's jewels. This might at least provide them some redemption. (as if they care)
My thoughts aren't very clear on this. The poverty here troubles me a lot. Govt. spends so much money on welfare programs, but most of it is sucked out by politicians, govt employees et al. Poverty, lack of education and street crimes go hand in hand. If progress can be made in one aspect, we can see improvement in other things. Not sure when that day will dawn on us.
Well I'm one of those numerous bloggers complaining about India. But I'm willing to do more than just writing about. I'm looking for those organizations and if any one can point me to a a right organization I'll contribute my time and money to them.
Update 03/15/10
Actually, there's a change in my position about the beggars/homeless people outside temples. I started recognizing faces of few of these people who're there while I was in college. They've been doing this for more than 10 years and don't allow any new person to beg outside those temples.
I just want to use this as an example to portray poverty. I don't mean to imply that person denying money to beggar is a bad person. There're many ways to help the needy and contribute to society. I stand corrected now.

is the place of contention between Telengana and other parts of State. Truth be told, office spaces and townships here are on par with any city in Western world. Road which leads to Durgamma cheruvu is a clear indicator of land boom. But along with this nouveau riche we'll also witness grinding poverty. The proximity of that kind of poverty is really troubling.
India is a land of diversity. That's true in cultural aspects and also in wealth

distribution. I guess India is one of the countries where so much of wealth is in the hands of very few people. That's true for any country (80:20 theory). But after spending time in the hustle and dust of Indian roads, the disparity is more drastic here in India. The poverty we witness from our train journeys are emotionally exhausting.
The following two things crossed my mind in the last few weeks.
One of the widely quoted lines from the Hindu Dharma is Manava Seve Madhava Seva. Indian people are also very religious. We all go to Temple, pray to God(s) and plead them to fix our problems. After that we'll generously put money in the temple Hundi. The moment we step out of temple, our generosity ends. Half of us wouldn't give a single rupee to the panhandlers. Many of those beggars are really old people with physical ailments. There's no obligation to give money to them, but these are the needy people. Almost all the religions teach the same principle. Feed the needy.
Indian weddings are really long with so many rites and pujas. So much money goes into it. Dinner or Lunch for the guests is one of the significant features of any wedding. These days astronomical amounts of money is spent on food in Weddings. But that's restricted to our guests only. We tip the servers and cooks so less and scold them for asking tips. I am guilty of few things mentioned above.
Above two things which I mentioned are related to the upper middle class families. There's another class in India who gained immense wealth in just 5 years through corruption, and contacts in Government. One prime example is Gali Janardhana Reddy. This person donated a diamond Crown to Tirupathi Venkateswara Swami. That crown costs 42 Cr Rupees. (9 million USD). (Don't get me wrong here, I'm also a devotee of Venkatewara swami, but he's already rich. He's not in dire need of new 9 mil USD Crown.) So all the wealth gained through Nepotism turns into God's jewelery. Ironically he also talked about Madhava Seva and Manava Seva. I wish at least these people help the extreme poor and needy instead of contributing to God's jewels. This might at least provide them some redemption. (as if they care)
My thoughts aren't very clear on this. The poverty here troubles me a lot. Govt. spends so much money on welfare programs, but most of it is sucked out by politicians, govt employees et al. Poverty, lack of education and street crimes go hand in hand. If progress can be made in one aspect, we can see improvement in other things. Not sure when that day will dawn on us.
Well I'm one of those numerous bloggers complaining about India. But I'm willing to do more than just writing about. I'm looking for those organizations and if any one can point me to a a right organization I'll contribute my time and money to them.
Update 03/15/10
Actually, there's a change in my position about the beggars/homeless people outside temples. I started recognizing faces of few of these people who're there while I was in college. They've been doing this for more than 10 years and don't allow any new person to beg outside those temples.
I just want to use this as an example to portray poverty. I don't mean to imply that person denying money to beggar is a bad person. There're many ways to help the needy and contribute to society. I stand corrected now.
Friday, December 11, 2009
Few things remain unchanged..
I'm taking a bit too long vacation after 7 and half years. Enjoying an unwanted vacation. So looking at life in modern India from close quarters.
Many things changed! Cell phones, proliferation of internet into small towns, umpteen news channels, mineral water in every household, American brands and restaurants etc. Finally cars are affordable to middle class (or is that the increased purchasing power), fancy European cars every where..
Few things became worse. Roads, traffic, pollution, ground water levels, corruption, bribery. Actually corruption and Bribery are socially accepted. I mean to say, it's not bothering people any more. The red tape in India adds fuel to this.
Even though you live in Guntur city, you've to go to a neighboring village to get a marriage certificate. You'd only know about once you go to a registrar office in your vicinity. And if you don't hire an agent, forget about getting the certificate in time. It's getting hard for me to defend the anti bribery stance.
And few things remain the same. To name one, stupidity of people. Before you call me elitist, condescending or some thing else here's an example. AP state is experiencing a major public agitation now. Telangana people asking for separate state and others opposing it. Yesterday I got stuck up in traffic cause of a students doing a rastha roko and today restricted to my home 'cause of voluntary strike.
Now going back to my earlier point of stupidity, the first target for all these people are APSRTC buses. Passionate people (read that as affirmative action students who stay in universities too long for
stipends) put these buses on fire and break their windows to demonstrate the anger.

RTC buses are public properties and are purchased using the tax money paid by the same person destroying it. (along with bus fare, of course). In addition to the lost revenue, RTC has to spend millions of rupess fix these buses . I don't know when did this started, but I can recall this from the days I started reading newspaper.
How to fix this? This might be a radical approach, but this destroying of property needs to be stopped. How about killing the goons who destroys public property intentionally. This need not be done for too long. Just the implementation of this policy once or twice will send a chill down the spine of these students and goons. In my view, public infrastructure costing millions of rupees is worth more than lives of few antisocial elements.
Ahh feels good writing this.. but I neither have a degree in govt. policy nor a policy making job. Will write more about life in India. (my fav subject, Indian weddings ..not)
Many things changed! Cell phones, proliferation of internet into small towns, umpteen news channels, mineral water in every household, American brands and restaurants etc. Finally cars are affordable to middle class (or is that the increased purchasing power), fancy European cars every where..
Few things became worse. Roads, traffic, pollution, ground water levels, corruption, bribery. Actually corruption and Bribery are socially accepted. I mean to say, it's not bothering people any more. The red tape in India adds fuel to this.
Even though you live in Guntur city, you've to go to a neighboring village to get a marriage certificate. You'd only know about once you go to a registrar office in your vicinity. And if you don't hire an agent, forget about getting the certificate in time. It's getting hard for me to defend the anti bribery stance.
And few things remain the same. To name one, stupidity of people. Before you call me elitist, condescending or some thing else here's an example. AP state is experiencing a major public agitation now. Telangana people asking for separate state and others opposing it. Yesterday I got stuck up in traffic cause of a students doing a rastha roko and today restricted to my home 'cause of voluntary strike.
Now going back to my earlier point of stupidity, the first target for all these people are APSRTC buses. Passionate people (read that as affirmative action students who stay in universities too long for
stipends) put these buses on fire and break their windows to demonstrate the anger.

RTC buses are public properties and are purchased using the tax money paid by the same person destroying it. (along with bus fare, of course). In addition to the lost revenue, RTC has to spend millions of rupess fix these buses . I don't know when did this started, but I can recall this from the days I started reading newspaper.
How to fix this? This might be a radical approach, but this destroying of property needs to be stopped. How about killing the goons who destroys public property intentionally. This need not be done for too long. Just the implementation of this policy once or twice will send a chill down the spine of these students and goons. In my view, public infrastructure costing millions of rupees is worth more than lives of few antisocial elements.
Ahh feels good writing this.. but I neither have a degree in govt. policy nor a policy making job. Will write more about life in India. (my fav subject, Indian weddings ..not)
Thursday, May 14, 2009
lieMAX or IMAX?
I've been to "Star Trek - The IMAX experience" last weekend. It's one of the movies I've been waiting for this year and I thought the IMAX experience would be a better choice. It partly was. However, I was expecting a HUGE screen and this one was just like any other screen only slightly wider, not really an IMAX screen if you ask me. I've watched a couple of IMAX movies at museums and I always felt it was the HUGE screen that really made the difference. I would probably never spend those extra $5 again for the IMAX experience at AMC or REGAL cinemas, but I found an interesting link that can be used for reference if at all you would like to watch commercial cinema in IMAX.
lieMAX or IMAX on Google
lieMAX or IMAX on Google
Sunday, April 19, 2009
Tea Parties : Grassroots or Astroturf?
With broken laptop(that's a second dell) and layoffs at work, I'm not getting much impulse/opportunities to blog. But these tea parties are forcing me to rant.
I didn't clearly understand what're these people angry about. Govt spending, Taxes, bailouts...? If the bailouts are what you're complaining, it's Bush who approved no questions asked $700 bill to Henry Paulson. And if you're complaining about Obama's bailouts, please let him know what's the better way to do it.
If your beef is Government spending, how else you'd pump money into crippling economy where credit is virtually frozen. And America suddenly got a strange disease by name Thriftiness. Now pls don't give me that less govt spending, less taxes and less govt are good for country. We're enjoying the fruits of Bush taxes now. In Bush's 8 years Rich became filthy rich and middle class slipped into poverty.
Conservatives are still singing the old song of tax cuts for corporations. How the F in this world would that benefit us. Don't we have tax cuts for all Big corporations, including oil corporations. And how exactly did that benefit us. Yeah I hear your thing, Trickle Down Economics!! That less taxes means corporations hire more people. Oh really? All these corporations took record profits, laid off people at slightest whims of market and outsourced major chunks of their businesses. Forget about employing more people. It's about retaining jobs now, and for the less fortunate it's about unemployment benefits.
Your conservative hero Reagan raised taxes, not once but twice. And no one talks about it. And please stop quoting his tired Government is not a solution to our problem, government is the problem line. With the deregulation spree, we're in this shithole now. And guess what, his so called legacy is being Questioned now
And Question to these so called angry protesters. How many of you make more than $250K per annum. If you're below that, you wouldn't see a single penny increase in tax. For those who make more than $250K, isn't that time that you pay taxes like rest of us.
It appears to me that these conservatives are just angry cause they're out of power. Didn't you enjoy power and ruin it for 8 years. And first 4 years, you didn't even win that.
Now the new poster boy of these retards, Gov. of Texas Rick Perry. He's threatening to cede from the union. Please do, and don't let the 21st century hit you on the way out. (Quoting Bill Maher's line)
Meh, we'll be fine without those good ol' Texas 'tards. And they'll be fine with oil. Oh wait, didn't the mighty US invade Iraq for oil......
And for the faux news contributors and few retards claiming this as grassroots campaign, this ain't grassroots. This is a astroturf campaign
I didn't clearly understand what're these people angry about. Govt spending, Taxes, bailouts...? If the bailouts are what you're complaining, it's Bush who approved no questions asked $700 bill to Henry Paulson. And if you're complaining about Obama's bailouts, please let him know what's the better way to do it.
If your beef is Government spending, how else you'd pump money into crippling economy where credit is virtually frozen. And America suddenly got a strange disease by name Thriftiness. Now pls don't give me that less govt spending, less taxes and less govt are good for country. We're enjoying the fruits of Bush taxes now. In Bush's 8 years Rich became filthy rich and middle class slipped into poverty.
Conservatives are still singing the old song of tax cuts for corporations. How the F in this world would that benefit us. Don't we have tax cuts for all Big corporations, including oil corporations. And how exactly did that benefit us. Yeah I hear your thing, Trickle Down Economics!! That less taxes means corporations hire more people. Oh really? All these corporations took record profits, laid off people at slightest whims of market and outsourced major chunks of their businesses. Forget about employing more people. It's about retaining jobs now, and for the less fortunate it's about unemployment benefits.
Your conservative hero Reagan raised taxes, not once but twice. And no one talks about it. And please stop quoting his tired Government is not a solution to our problem, government is the problem line. With the deregulation spree, we're in this shithole now. And guess what, his so called legacy is being Questioned now
And Question to these so called angry protesters. How many of you make more than $250K per annum. If you're below that, you wouldn't see a single penny increase in tax. For those who make more than $250K, isn't that time that you pay taxes like rest of us.
It appears to me that these conservatives are just angry cause they're out of power. Didn't you enjoy power and ruin it for 8 years. And first 4 years, you didn't even win that.
Now the new poster boy of these retards, Gov. of Texas Rick Perry. He's threatening to cede from the union. Please do, and don't let the 21st century hit you on the way out. (Quoting Bill Maher's line)
Meh, we'll be fine without those good ol' Texas 'tards. And they'll be fine with oil. Oh wait, didn't the mighty US invade Iraq for oil......
And for the faux news contributors and few retards claiming this as grassroots campaign, this ain't grassroots. This is a astroturf campaign
Tuesday, March 3, 2009
Bindu Madhavi's Tenglish!
Before this girl starred in Avakaya Biryani, chaala hype chesaru. Most of the hype was because she is a telugu girl. Telugu ammayilu cine industry lo peddaga success avvaledu, but Bindu Madhavi is the next big thing ani. In my opinion, there is no point in casting a telugu girl when you have someone else dubbing. Same thing happened in Avakaya biryani, someone else dubbed for Bindu. Now this girl is hosting a show on Sakshi (India's first HD channel) and look at her fluency in telugu...
Sunday, March 1, 2009
Paul Krugman on Economy
Nobel Laurette Paul Krugman on Economy @ World Affairs Council : Oregon on 01/29/09
Bit longer, but worth watching. The Q&As in particular are very interesting.
(Paul Krugman's intro starts at 09.45 minute, and Paul speech around 12.15 minute)
Bit longer, but worth watching. The Q&As in particular are very interesting.
(Paul Krugman's intro starts at 09.45 minute, and Paul speech around 12.15 minute)
Rick Santelli, new Swift boat Veteran
This tool Rick Santelli, is exposed by playboy.
Here's the article from Big Picture blog.
Actual playboy article (SFW)
I used to watch this guy on '06. I always thought there's something phony about this guy.
Here's video of Matt lauer grilling this tool, about White house threatening his family.
Here's the article from Big Picture blog.
Actual playboy article (SFW)
I used to watch this guy on '06. I always thought there's something phony about this guy.
Here's video of Matt lauer grilling this tool, about White house threatening his family.
Visit msnbc.com for Breaking News, World News, and News about the Economy
Tuesday, February 10, 2009
Who owns which paper
Found this article in one of the blogs. God bless India!
Ownership of different Media Agencies.
NDTV: A very popular TV news media is funded by Gospels of
Charity in Spain Supports Communism. Recently it has developed a soft corner towards Pakistan because Pakistan President has allowed only this channel to be aired in Pakistan . Indian CEO Prannoy Roy is co-brother of Prakash Karat, General Secretary of the Communist party of India . His wife and Brinda Karat are sisters.
India Today: which used to be the only national weekly
which supported BJP is now bought by NDTV!! Since then the tone has changed drastically and turned into Hindu bashing.
CNN-IBN: This is 100 percent funded by Southern Baptist Church
with its branches in all over the world with HQ in US.. The Church
annually allocates $800 million for promotion of its channel. Its Indian head is Rajdeep Sardesai and his wife Sagarika Ghosh.
Times group list: Times Of India, Mid-Day, Nav-Bharth Times, Femina, Filmfare, Vijaya Karnataka, Times now (24- hour news channel) and many more. Times Group is owned by Bennett & Coleman. ‘World Christian Council does 80 percent of the Funding, and an Englishman and an Italian equally share balance 20 percent. The Italian Robertio Mindo is a close relative of Sonia Gandhi.
Star TV: It is run by an Australian, who is supported by St.Peters Pontifical Church Melbourne.
Hindustan Times: Owned by Birla Group, but hands have changed since Shobana Bhartiya took over. Presently it is working in Collaboration with Times Group. The Hindu: English daily, started over 125 years has been
recently taken over by Joshua Society, Berne , Switzerland .. N. Ram’s wife is a Swiss national.
Indian Express: Divided into two groups. The Indian Express and the New Indian Express (southern edition) ACTS Christian Ministries have major stake in the Indian Express and latter is still with the Indian counterpart.
The Statesman: It is controlled by Communist Party of India. Asian Age and Deccan Chronicle: Is owned by a Saudi Arabian Company with its chief Editor M.J. Akbar. Gujarat riots which took place in 2002 where Hindus were burnt alive, Raj deep Sardesai and Bharkha Dutt working for NDTV at that time got around 5 Million Dollars from Saudi Arabia to cover only Muslim victims, which they did very faithfully.. . Not a single Hindu family was interviewed or shown on TV whose near and dear ones had been burnt alive, it is reported.
Tarun Tejpal of tehelka gets blank cheques from Arab countries to target BJP and Hindus only, it is said. The ownership explains the control of media in India by foreigners. The result is obvious.
courtesy: sunitablogs.com
Ownership of different Media Agencies.
NDTV: A very popular TV news media is funded by Gospels of
Charity in Spain Supports Communism. Recently it has developed a soft corner towards Pakistan because Pakistan President has allowed only this channel to be aired in Pakistan . Indian CEO Prannoy Roy is co-brother of Prakash Karat, General Secretary of the Communist party of India . His wife and Brinda Karat are sisters.
India Today: which used to be the only national weekly
which supported BJP is now bought by NDTV!! Since then the tone has changed drastically and turned into Hindu bashing.
CNN-IBN: This is 100 percent funded by Southern Baptist Church
with its branches in all over the world with HQ in US.. The Church
annually allocates $800 million for promotion of its channel. Its Indian head is Rajdeep Sardesai and his wife Sagarika Ghosh.
Times group list: Times Of India, Mid-Day, Nav-Bharth Times, Femina, Filmfare, Vijaya Karnataka, Times now (24- hour news channel) and many more. Times Group is owned by Bennett & Coleman. ‘World Christian Council does 80 percent of the Funding, and an Englishman and an Italian equally share balance 20 percent. The Italian Robertio Mindo is a close relative of Sonia Gandhi.
Star TV: It is run by an Australian, who is supported by St.Peters Pontifical Church Melbourne.
Hindustan Times: Owned by Birla Group, but hands have changed since Shobana Bhartiya took over. Presently it is working in Collaboration with Times Group. The Hindu: English daily, started over 125 years has been
recently taken over by Joshua Society, Berne , Switzerland .. N. Ram’s wife is a Swiss national.
Indian Express: Divided into two groups. The Indian Express and the New Indian Express (southern edition) ACTS Christian Ministries have major stake in the Indian Express and latter is still with the Indian counterpart.
The Statesman: It is controlled by Communist Party of India. Asian Age and Deccan Chronicle: Is owned by a Saudi Arabian Company with its chief Editor M.J. Akbar. Gujarat riots which took place in 2002 where Hindus were burnt alive, Raj deep Sardesai and Bharkha Dutt working for NDTV at that time got around 5 Million Dollars from Saudi Arabia to cover only Muslim victims, which they did very faithfully.. . Not a single Hindu family was interviewed or shown on TV whose near and dear ones had been burnt alive, it is reported.
Tarun Tejpal of tehelka gets blank cheques from Arab countries to target BJP and Hindus only, it is said. The ownership explains the control of media in India by foreigners. The result is obvious.
courtesy: sunitablogs.com
Tuesday, February 3, 2009
Wall St / Greed
Now the whole country is piling on this Bonus thing.
But few people are arguing how much is 18 billion when compared to 1800 billion losses. It might not count, but what counts is it's Tax payer's money. Government isn't rescuing home owners who're behind their home payments. If wall street is giving out Bonuses and going on leisure trips with tax payer's money, they better be prepared to face the shit.
I saw this douchebag John Thain on cnbc defending bonuses given to his staff in the month of Dec. His argument is that if we don't pay well to the smart people, they'll go to another company.
And this is the same douchebag who spent $1.2 million on his office renovation and $1400 for a trash can.
Two questions for this SoB.
1)Who're these smart people, are these the people who ruined Meryl Lynch and all other investment firms
2)Where do they go? Who's hiring?
Jonathan Alter is the first one in the media to ask a simple Question, who's hiring. Here's his Newsweek article.
Wall St probably hired a PR firm. News papers are publishing articles how bonuses are part of their compensation packages, and about their long working hours. Karma, isn't that a beautiful thing.
NY Times published this article today. But I'm not sold by their sorrow stories yet. Read the public outrage here
Here's a reader's comment which represents the nation's anger very well.
Let's see... Taxpayers, some of whom work 2 jobs for a tiny fraction of what these Wall Street "geniuses" make, bailout the banks for the tune of $700 billion.
These money worshipping "people" then give themselves $20 billion in bonuses for bankrupting the nation because they want to keep "good talent"?
Sen. Clair McCaskill is right, let's cap their pay and take back our stolen money. The last thing a single mother of 3 working at IHOP should have to do is supplement a scumbag investment banker's Rolex or Porsche.
— Andrew, NY, NY
But few people are arguing how much is 18 billion when compared to 1800 billion losses. It might not count, but what counts is it's Tax payer's money. Government isn't rescuing home owners who're behind their home payments. If wall street is giving out Bonuses and going on leisure trips with tax payer's money, they better be prepared to face the shit.
I saw this douchebag John Thain on cnbc defending bonuses given to his staff in the month of Dec. His argument is that if we don't pay well to the smart people, they'll go to another company.
And this is the same douchebag who spent $1.2 million on his office renovation and $1400 for a trash can.
Two questions for this SoB.
1)Who're these smart people, are these the people who ruined Meryl Lynch and all other investment firms
2)Where do they go? Who's hiring?
Jonathan Alter is the first one in the media to ask a simple Question, who's hiring. Here's his Newsweek article.
Wall St probably hired a PR firm. News papers are publishing articles how bonuses are part of their compensation packages, and about their long working hours. Karma, isn't that a beautiful thing.
NY Times published this article today. But I'm not sold by their sorrow stories yet. Read the public outrage here
Here's a reader's comment which represents the nation's anger very well.
Let's see... Taxpayers, some of whom work 2 jobs for a tiny fraction of what these Wall Street "geniuses" make, bailout the banks for the tune of $700 billion.
These money worshipping "people" then give themselves $20 billion in bonuses for bankrupting the nation because they want to keep "good talent"?
Sen. Clair McCaskill is right, let's cap their pay and take back our stolen money. The last thing a single mother of 3 working at IHOP should have to do is supplement a scumbag investment banker's Rolex or Porsche.
— Andrew, NY, NY
Monday, January 19, 2009
BIG Numbers
Here're two news items, both involving very BIG numbers
Zimbabwe rolls out Z$100tr note
How to Understand a Trillion-Dollar Deficit
Both articles are about numbers which go beyond our intuition.
100000000000000 Zimbabwe Dollars bill and it only fetches 30 USD. 231m% hyperflation.
And then, our Deficit. USD 1200000000000!!
Talking about inflation, Fed gave out 350 Billion USD to banks and is about to give 350 more to banks. Obama is talking about 1 Trillion Dollars stimulus plan. I'm not sure, how we can avoid inflation in USA in the next few years.
Zimbabwe rolls out Z$100tr note
How to Understand a Trillion-Dollar Deficit
Both articles are about numbers which go beyond our intuition.
100000000000000 Zimbabwe Dollars bill and it only fetches 30 USD. 231m% hyperflation.
And then, our Deficit. USD 1200000000000!!
Talking about inflation, Fed gave out 350 Billion USD to banks and is about to give 350 more to banks. Obama is talking about 1 Trillion Dollars stimulus plan. I'm not sure, how we can avoid inflation in USA in the next few years.
Sunday, January 18, 2009
Future of abstinence-only funding is in limbo
Read this news article, an hour ago.
Now, that's good news. This is one of the ridiculous things the kids have to go through in High schools apart from the Denial of Evolution theory.
I understand that People have different views on Sex before Marriage. Even I've the same upbringing. But what bothers me is the undermining of Sex Education and Prevention Techniques. If children weren't thought these in High school, when would they learn the safe sex.
Denial of Science is one of the biggest Damages Bush did to this country. There's so much propaganda in the last 8 years denying Global Warming and Evolution theory. Now I just can't wait for these Stupid 'Intelligent Design' theories removed from Textbooks.
Now, that's good news. This is one of the ridiculous things the kids have to go through in High schools apart from the Denial of Evolution theory.
I understand that People have different views on Sex before Marriage. Even I've the same upbringing. But what bothers me is the undermining of Sex Education and Prevention Techniques. If children weren't thought these in High school, when would they learn the safe sex.
Denial of Science is one of the biggest Damages Bush did to this country. There's so much propaganda in the last 8 years denying Global Warming and Evolution theory. Now I just can't wait for these Stupid 'Intelligent Design' theories removed from Textbooks.
Saturday, January 17, 2009
Jan 20th, 2009 : End of an error
8 years of Bush in 8 minutes by Keith Olbermann
Enough said!
Title Courtesy : A user's comment on Digg.com
Enough said!
Title Courtesy : A user's comment on Digg.com
Monday, January 12, 2009
The price of Oil
Last summer was a nightmare for American commuters. Avg. price of gas went upto $4.5 per gallon. And by September the bubble started bursting.
Speculators created a media spin convincing us that Demand in China and India caused the price hikes, but not them. And then Media also bought that stupid argument. Media started quoting this Goldman Sachs analyst Arjun Rao as Oracle of Oil.
Post Wall Street collapse, no money available for leverage and speculation. Here we're with $1.6 per gallon price.
There's a report on 60 minutes last night. Here it is.
Speculators created a media spin convincing us that Demand in China and India caused the price hikes, but not them. And then Media also bought that stupid argument. Media started quoting this Goldman Sachs analyst Arjun Rao as Oracle of Oil.
Post Wall Street collapse, no money available for leverage and speculation. Here we're with $1.6 per gallon price.
There's a report on 60 minutes last night. Here it is.
Sunday, January 11, 2009
2008 : A retrospective
It's 2009 already, can't believe 2008 passed by already
2008 wasn't joyful to any one. Housing bust, Layoffs, Retirement portfolios, IRAs shrank to 50% or less, Wall street meltdown, Oil prices, commodity prices, Paulson's bazooka(wtf happened to that ?!), Series of Bomb blast in India, Madoff..
Looks like Recession is here to stay.
Even though I'm one of those million people who took a beating in the market, I want to write about few good things..
>CEO pay
So long suckers, gone are days of the exorbitant compensation packages, golden parachutes and Private Jets. With so much backlash from Public and Lawmakers, I hope this House/Senate approves a bill to limit these packages in the future also.
> More regulation on Wall street
Hedge funds, Commodity traders, Derivatives, Exotic financial instruments which no one understood. Huh. Now the dream run is over. Here's to the more regulation on wall street. Before cheering for that, I've to question the ethics/smartness of these senators leading the committees on Finance, Ways and means, Tax....
Christopher Dodd, Barney Frank, Charles Schumer. How good are these guys. All the mess happened while these guys are approving laws. Isn't time to bid adieu to these men?
>Commodity Traders
Remember last summer. We're taken for a ride by Hedge Funds, Commodity traders... Now with the burst of Hedge funds and frozen Credit, we're blessed with $1.6 gas prices.
>Oil Prices
Crude oil was 'flirting' with $150 per barrel price back in summer. Now it's $40. Though it's one of the fall outs of Weakening economy, it's bad news for this OPEC cartel. Couldn't be any more happier. And those high oil prices ain't so bad. It ended America's mad fascination for SUVs and Trucks.
Arjun murti, please take a hike!!
>Incompetent CEO's
Dick Fuld(Lehman), Angelo Mozilo(Countrywide), Robert Willumstad(AIG), Kerry Killinger(WaMu), Ken Thompson (Wachovia) and then few dickheads at Freddie Mac, Fannie Mae. Good bye assholes, corporate America wouldn't miss ya. I'm just waiting for Bob Nardelli and Rick Wagoner to turn in their papers. Sooner it is, better for Detroit.
I hate giving credit to Dubya's regime in any form. But there's some peace in Iraq. Though I don't approve the way it's accomplished, I'm happy for Iraqi citizens and armed forces based in Iraq
>Both House and Senate in control of Dems
That's right fellas. Since '92 , this is the first time we've both Senate and house dominated by Dems. Hope they'll be strong and bring some order in this country. If possible, please undo all the acts passed by Republican thugs. Abstinence Only education, ban on Stem cell research, Bush Tax cuts, Environment Protection...
>Obama in 1600 Penn Ave
After 8 years of Public housing, Bush is about to move out of White House. And a democrat in White House. This superseded all the sorrows and setbacks. Honestly, I'm not yet sold with Barrack's Hope and audacity. But hey, anybody can do better than dubya and evil Cheney. Good Riddance fellas..
>Sarah Palin stays in Alaska.
That's right, this 'hockey mom' wouldn't be moving to DC any time soon. Hopefully she never moves into Mainland. Though I don't have high regard for American Voters, they exceeded my expectations in this election. Just the thought of her as VP gives a chill in my spine.
Finally, I've two good news to share on personal front.
Karun, my friend and owner of this blog got married and my sister got engaged in Dec '08. Congratulations!!
In a way, I can't complain much about '08.
Hopefully '09 brings Peace and happiness to all of us. (and death to Islamic Terrorists)
Happy Sankranthi !!
2008 wasn't joyful to any one. Housing bust, Layoffs, Retirement portfolios, IRAs shrank to 50% or less, Wall street meltdown, Oil prices, commodity prices, Paulson's bazooka(wtf happened to that ?!), Series of Bomb blast in India, Madoff..
Looks like Recession is here to stay.
Even though I'm one of those million people who took a beating in the market, I want to write about few good things..
>CEO pay
So long suckers, gone are days of the exorbitant compensation packages, golden parachutes and Private Jets. With so much backlash from Public and Lawmakers, I hope this House/Senate approves a bill to limit these packages in the future also.
> More regulation on Wall street
Hedge funds, Commodity traders, Derivatives, Exotic financial instruments which no one understood. Huh. Now the dream run is over. Here's to the more regulation on wall street. Before cheering for that, I've to question the ethics/smartness of these senators leading the committees on Finance, Ways and means, Tax....
Christopher Dodd, Barney Frank, Charles Schumer. How good are these guys. All the mess happened while these guys are approving laws. Isn't time to bid adieu to these men?
>Commodity Traders
Remember last summer. We're taken for a ride by Hedge Funds, Commodity traders... Now with the burst of Hedge funds and frozen Credit, we're blessed with $1.6 gas prices.
>Oil Prices
Crude oil was 'flirting' with $150 per barrel price back in summer. Now it's $40. Though it's one of the fall outs of Weakening economy, it's bad news for this OPEC cartel. Couldn't be any more happier. And those high oil prices ain't so bad. It ended America's mad fascination for SUVs and Trucks.
Arjun murti, please take a hike!!
>Incompetent CEO's
Dick Fuld(Lehman), Angelo Mozilo(Countrywide), Robert Willumstad(AIG), Kerry Killinger(WaMu), Ken Thompson (Wachovia) and then few dickheads at Freddie Mac, Fannie Mae. Good bye assholes, corporate America wouldn't miss ya. I'm just waiting for Bob Nardelli and Rick Wagoner to turn in their papers. Sooner it is, better for Detroit.
I hate giving credit to Dubya's regime in any form. But there's some peace in Iraq. Though I don't approve the way it's accomplished, I'm happy for Iraqi citizens and armed forces based in Iraq
>Both House and Senate in control of Dems
That's right fellas. Since '92 , this is the first time we've both Senate and house dominated by Dems. Hope they'll be strong and bring some order in this country. If possible, please undo all the acts passed by Republican thugs. Abstinence Only education, ban on Stem cell research, Bush Tax cuts, Environment Protection...
>Obama in 1600 Penn Ave
After 8 years of Public housing, Bush is about to move out of White House. And a democrat in White House. This superseded all the sorrows and setbacks. Honestly, I'm not yet sold with Barrack's Hope and audacity. But hey, anybody can do better than dubya and evil Cheney. Good Riddance fellas..
>Sarah Palin stays in Alaska.
That's right, this 'hockey mom' wouldn't be moving to DC any time soon. Hopefully she never moves into Mainland. Though I don't have high regard for American Voters, they exceeded my expectations in this election. Just the thought of her as VP gives a chill in my spine.
Finally, I've two good news to share on personal front.
Karun, my friend and owner of this blog got married and my sister got engaged in Dec '08. Congratulations!!
In a way, I can't complain much about '08.
Hopefully '09 brings Peace and happiness to all of us. (and death to Islamic Terrorists)
Happy Sankranthi !!
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