195 and counting..
That's the number of people killed in this mumbai massacre. This exposes the pity state of intelligence and security in India. Having said that, it's tough for any country to protect it's citizens if you've enemies with in. Fuck I ain't being politically correct. Muslims in this country should change.
Here're few pictures of the victims in Chatrapathi Shivaji Terminus and Taj Mahal hotel.
Boston Globe
Daily Mail
I'm not gonna rant about Pakistani influence or the muslim traitors in India. I vented my anger enough in the last 2 years. I want to write about two articles/views.
I read an interesting article in TIME magazine on Wed night.
to paraphrase few lines
Still, many South Asian Muslims insist Islam is the one and only force that can bring the subcontinent together and return it to preeminence as a single whole. "We [Muslims] were the legal rulers of India, and in 1857 the British took that away from us," says Tarik Jan, a gentle-mannered scholar at Islamabad's Institute of Policy Studies. "In 1947 they should have given that back to the Muslims." Jan is no militant, but he pines for the golden era of the Mughal period in the 1700s, and has a fervent desire to see India, Pakistan and Bangladesh reunited under Islamic rule.
"People are hungry for justice," says Ahmed Rashid, Pakistani journalist and author of the new book Descent Into Chaos.
Keep jacking off to your Islamic Society, suckers. There's no way you'll win this war. And just to make it clear to these retarded muslim suicide bombers; you wouldn't be greeted by Virgins in heaven. You'll be sucking a dick in hell for the eternity.
Muslims in India got all they needed. Reservations in colleges and Jobs. Could the readers believe that they have their own Islamic courts and they can give divorce by uttering Talak 3 times. And here it is. Government gives aid/subdisdy to people who goes on Mecca pilgrimage. Every year terrorists kills numerous Hindus who goes to Vaishno Devi temple in Kashmir. No one really bothers these people. I'm not sure what they achieve in these bomb blasts and killings.
And to the pseudo-intelligent reporters of TIME, India is a country of Hindus. It's called Hindustan. Mughals ruled India for only few hundred years. It's not that they own this land. Like any other kingdom, they met their end. British gave India to people to right people i.e. Hindus. But to wrong leaders Gandhi and Nehru. If Sardar Vallabhai Patel had became First Prime Minister of India, things would've been lot better. I'll save that discussion for later.
And then there're these Human Right Activists and intelligent liberal writers in India. To name one, Arundhati Roy. I've few words for her. STFU, bitch. This woman is all over Indian Media condeming an encounter of Muslim terrorist, calling it a Human rights violation. Back in '98 when India tested a nuclear bomb, she's all over media decrying that.
Arundhati, what if your loved one is in Taj Mahal or CST? Just coz you won a booker prize doesn't mean that you've to bitch about everything in India. Save your pearls of Wisdom for fiction writing. Leave the Law and Order for the Police and Government
And the media in India. For the love of the God, please don't cover up the Muslim/Pakistan hand in this massacre for your political correctness. Longer the people suffer, harsher the backlash. Remember Gujarat circa 02.
All the innocent people who died in Mumbai, may their soul Rest in Peace. And I salute to all the brave Police men and commandos who fought for the country. I hope the Govt. takes care of your families of the slain Police.
And to all the traitors in India, just wait for next Gujarat.
Jai Hind.
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