Sunday, September 14, 2008

What is India waiting for ?

Another bomb blast in India. This time it's in Capital city. Same Modus operandi. Send a mail to news outlet and trigger the blasts.

I feel so sad and shameful on how these muslims/terrorists are killing innocent people. What can be done to prevent this and what's government doing about these.

Police didn't make any significant progress in last year's Hyderabad Blasts. Jaipur, Ahmadabad, Banglore, Delhi...Terrorists are changing locations and here we're living with fear everyday and just waiting for blasts to happen in some other city.

Is there any intelligence team in India which is actually doing it's job. Or Terrorists too smart. Government, is that in a position to guarantee the safety of civilians lives. I didn't read any outrage about this blasts this time. Civilains and govt, are they considering this as part of their life.

And for the love the God, would at least one politician come forward and ask all these muslims to go F themselves. Life in India is all about fucking political Correctness. In the movies, if the Villain happens to be muslim, then honest cop also needs to be a Muslim.

This whole post is just an anger outburst. My anger is deep rooted and started right from college days when I heard that muslims in Hyderabad celebrate Pakistan's victory against India in cricket. I'm just looking for a civilian movement to start. Or a vigilante.

God Bless India,
Jai Hind

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