Wednesday, June 18, 2008

offshore oil exploration, speculation, oil prices...

so now all right wing conservative wants the congress to lift the ban on oil exploration at offshore and antarctica. enlighten me here, I'd be very glad if I'm wrong.

even if they start drilling in offshore and Alaska (screw the environment and make the oil companies even more rich) wouldn't this oil enter the commodities market and get traded by speculators.

if that's true, how the F in this world this additional supply would reduce the price. these food and oil prices are fueled by excessive money channeled into commodities market by speculators. not by "increasing demand in india and china" as media is projecting main stream media is really a bitch. c'mon people, how would demand increase so much in 4 months.

if dubya and all other world leaders are sincere they can stop all this excessive money coming into commodities market. it's not easy as I said or i'm not a financial analyst. but if middle class people in usa are struggling to make the ends meet, what's gonna happen in so called third world countries.

on the side note Bush Sr signed for the ban on offshore exploration and dubya is so keen on lifting that ban. dubya and evil cheney at the end of their second term, aren't leaving any stone unturned in helping oil companies or screwing the environment.

all I can do is countdown the days until the inauguration of next president

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