Sunday, March 23, 2008

5 years in iraq

It's been 5 years since USA invaded Iraq. More than 4000 US soldiers died. 1,197,469 iraqis died. This is not something which is on neocons mind when they're pitching this war on to us.

What did we achieve from this war? not every one lost something. haliburton, blackwater made hell a lot of money. All the dick cheney's buddies might've got few oil contracts. for every one else this is a $12 trillion expenditure with no real reason/result.

I've so many things on my mind. Space isn't a constraint on this blog but John Cusack spoke his mind beautifully. Many thanks to youtube.

All the civilians and soldiers who died in this war, RIP.
Hope this war ends one day and I pray that people would remember how they got into this war, before voting this year.


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