Monday, November 5, 2007

GOP and the Conservative Values

GOP always protrays itelf as a party with Conservative and family values. Their position on most of the issues also proves that. Pro-Life, anti Gay rights, "Intelligent Design", Opposition to contraceptives...

But lately, the party is losing it's image. Let's see the events.

Evangelical preacher Ted Haggard. Ok, this guy might not be a GOP senator or something but this guy was an adviser to White House on gay issues. Last November, a male prostitute alleged that Ted haggard paid him for sex and used Meth. Then the denials quickly followed and then the resignations. We've to see the guy in the movies Jesus Camp, in which he preaches, "we don't have to debate about what we should think about homosexual activity. It’s written in the Bible."

Then this guy went through a therapy and he's supposedly complete heterosexual Sexual now :-). We've preachers in church, who can just change the sexual orientation with some bible classes.

Then there's Mark Foley, this Guy is hitting on pages in Capitol Hill. They're all underage males. This guy is confronted by an abc contributor in Washington, and he resigned immediately and went into Rehab. I'm not sure why he's not punished until now. Damn the rehabs.
The problem/irony is, he is one of the opponents of child Pornography and crusader against child abuse and exploitation.

Now Larry Craig. We all know, this old man is caught in Minneapolis airport soliciting sex from a undercover officer. Then a Idaho paper outed this news. This guy went to court to withdraw his guilty petition. Sounds like fun.

No matter how much I hate these right wing nuts, I pity this guy. Poor guy! Didn't get any support from his party people. Mitt Romney literally threw this guy in front of a bus. C'mon man, this guy worked for you party campaign.

Here's the hypocrisy. This Larry Craig boycotted one of Bill Clinton's speech on Capitol Hill, because he "disgraced White House by committing Sex in the Oval office". And there are rumors in the DC area about his homosexuality, even before this Men's room incident. Craig is one of the vocal opponents to Gay rights.

Nice video from Jon Stewart's show, enjoy

David Vitter, Republican Senator from Lousiana. His phone number found in D.C. Madam's client list. Hustler Magazine identified this Phone number. It's funny that even Hustler is into political reporting coz of these "family guys"

Point I want to make here is why the mid America and the Bible Belt still considers the GOP as the savior of the Christianity. Is this cause of Karl Rove marketing skills or the Democrat's failure in wooing the church going public !

Religion blurs the vision so much that, we've people in USA who believe that Gay people getting married is the biggest problem in country right now. It's bigger than Iraq war, Katrina failure, poor infrastructure Children without health care..

Hope it changes in 2008


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