Monday, September 17, 2007

What's gonna happen in Iraq

Now that the General Petraeus, gave his testimony before the senate committees, what's next? Is there an end to this thoughtless war?

The Petraeus report says that surge worked and it's working. I'm not sure how it's working. Ok the Bagdhad area got safer now with the additional soldiers. But now we've shites killing shites, sunnis killing sunnis and again clashes between ethnic groups. How long an army would stop ethnic groups from killing each other.

Anyway, why're we calling this the Patraeus report?? Isn't it the white house that actually wrote this report, and the General just reading that. The sad part is that General Patraeus is doing the same thing that Collin Powell did. Powell gave that infamous presentation to the UN even though he didn't believe that.

I'm waiting to see what would be the dubya's reaction to banning of blackwater security in Iraq. For the neo cons out there who still support the dubya, shut the fuck up!!
Even Alan Greenspan said that the Iraq war is about oil. This is the Guy, who fiercely supported Bush's Tax cuts in his testimony to Senate in 2001.

Enough said and written about the war costs and causalities. I mean there are hundreds of bloggers posting about this topic right now. Having said that do I've a solution for Iraq? No. So why am I bitching about it so much, cause whatever this BS spread out by the neocons(we're fighting enemy at their land, otherwise we've to fight them here), it makes me fucking sick.

And it's the tax payer's money they're spending in Iraq. I mean that's making W's friends richer.
God knows how much blood money halliburton, blackwater made in this war. And don't forget about 3,700 American soldiers and 1000s of Iraqi civilians, who lost their lives. I wish one day all the neocons would know the pain of losing a loved one in a war.


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