Not quite sure why media has always to be so politically correct, just like our President is.
AZ shooting left 6 people dead and put a congresswoman in hospital. The suspect as I see is a mentally unstable person. As per news, he's not influenced by Sarah Palin.
But this grifter from Alaska has been getting a free pass from media for all
these days for all the stupid and hate mongering things she says on
facebook and twitter. (On a side note, I can't wait for the actual writer(s) to come out. But that's for another day.) This picture which was on Sarah PAC website since elections was taken down just hours after the shooting. This event should be day of reckoning for her, but no body is pointing fingers to her yet.
When was the last time, this snowbilly showed up for any interview at any news outlet other than faux news. She developed an equally idiotic audience base who worship her. With these worshipers and libraries to buy, she's churning out best sellers like anything.
Why wouldn't media held her accountable for things she say. In Defense of Dr. Laura who said N word on radio repeatedly, Sarah tweeted "Dr.Laura:don't retreat...reload! (Steps aside bc her 1st Amend.rights ceased 2exist thx 2activists trying 2silence"isn't American,not fair")" It's not the point of some nutjob following her advice blindly. It's about making people responsible for the things to say. All the vitriol in the name of first amendment
Now the most disturbing thing, media is discussing Sarah Palin as a serious Presidential contender. I'll be glad to see her elected as Republic nominee but it shows how low the American Public has gone. See this NYT article. They discussed this situation like an election time strategy rather than a tragedy. And how she should handle this situation?
If I may Sarah, the best thing for you to do is STFU and start learning about issues which real Americans are facing. Unemployment, Home foreclosures, declining wages and schools getting closed. No body is loosing sleep over abortion, gays getting married, gun rights and fight over Christmas except you and few other wackos at faux news.
Two things made me rant about this today. One is Glenn Beck writing to Sarah Palin, cause he's worried of her safety.
AZ shooting left 6 people dead and put a congresswoman in hospital. The suspect as I see is a mentally unstable person. As per news, he's not influenced by Sarah Palin.
But this grifter from Alaska has been getting a free pass from media for all
these days for all the stupid and hate mongering things she says on

When was the last time, this snowbilly showed up for any interview at any news outlet other than faux news. She developed an equally idiotic audience base who worship her. With these worshipers and libraries to buy, she's churning out best sellers like anything.
Why wouldn't media held her accountable for things she say. In Defense of Dr. Laura who said N word on radio repeatedly, Sarah tweeted "Dr.Laura:don't retreat...reload! (Steps aside bc her 1st Amend.rights ceased 2exist thx 2activists trying 2silence"isn't American,not fair")" It's not the point of some nutjob following her advice blindly. It's about making people responsible for the things to say. All the vitriol in the name of first amendment
Now the most disturbing thing, media is discussing Sarah Palin as a serious Presidential contender. I'll be glad to see her elected as Republic nominee but it shows how low the American Public has gone. See this NYT article. They discussed this situation like an election time strategy rather than a tragedy. And how she should handle this situation?
If I may Sarah, the best thing for you to do is STFU and start learning about issues which real Americans are facing. Unemployment, Home foreclosures, declining wages and schools getting closed. No body is loosing sleep over abortion, gays getting married, gun rights and fight over Christmas except you and few other wackos at faux news.
Two things made me rant about this today. One is Glenn Beck writing to Sarah Palin, cause he's worried of her safety.
"Sarah, as you know, peace is always the answer. I know you're feeling the same heat -- if not much more -- on this.
I want you to know you have my support. But please look into protection for your family. An attempt on you could bring the republic down.
Please, call Gavin de Becker in Los Angeles. He is the guy that protects me. They are, bar none, the best. There are nut jobs on all sides."
No body abuses first amendment right more than Glenn Beck. I didn't expect any sane thing from him. But still, instead of mourning for people who got killed, Glenn is advising this grifter about her safety. An attempt on you could bring the republic down, really?? This sounded more of an unspoken forbidden love which is common among closeted gay conservatives or the family values rich republicans who cheat on their wives.
The other thing is Jon Stewart being all neutral, preachy and asking people to slow down in his opening sequence on Today' Daily show. I know it's too early, but he could've utilized this opportunity to name some names. Another lost opportunity.
The other thing is Jon Stewart being all neutral, preachy and asking people to slow down in his opening sequence on Today' Daily show. I know it's too early, but he could've utilized this opportunity to name some names. Another lost opportunity.