Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Bindu Madhavi's Tenglish!

Before this girl starred in Avakaya Biryani, chaala hype chesaru. Most of the hype was because she is a telugu girl. Telugu ammayilu cine industry lo peddaga success avvaledu, but Bindu Madhavi is the next big thing ani. In my opinion, there is no point in casting a telugu girl when you have someone else dubbing. Same thing happened in Avakaya biryani, someone else dubbed for Bindu. Now this girl is hosting a show on Sakshi (India's first HD channel) and look at her fluency in telugu...

Sunday, March 1, 2009

Paul Krugman on Economy

Nobel Laurette Paul Krugman on Economy @ World Affairs Council : Oregon on 01/29/09
Bit longer, but worth watching. The Q&As in particular are very interesting.
(Paul Krugman's intro starts at 09.45 minute, and Paul speech around 12.15 minute)


Rick Santelli, new Swift boat Veteran

This tool Rick Santelli, is exposed by playboy.
Here's the article from Big Picture blog.

Actual playboy article (SFW)

I used to watch this guy on '06. I always thought there's something phony about this guy.

Here's video of Matt lauer grilling this tool, about White house threatening his family.