Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Who owns which paper

Found this article in one of the blogs. God bless India!
Ownership of different Media Agencies.

NDTV: A very popular TV news media is funded by Gospels of

Charity in Spain Supports Communism. Recently it has developed a soft corner towards Pakistan because Pakistan President has allowed only this channel to be aired in Pakistan . Indian CEO Prannoy Roy is co-brother of Prakash Karat, General Secretary of the Communist party of India . His wife and Brinda Karat are sisters.

India Today: which used to be the only national weekly

which supported BJP is now bought by NDTV!! Since then the tone has changed drastically and turned into Hindu bashing.

CNN-IBN: This is 100 percent funded by Southern Baptist Church

with its branches in all over the world with HQ in US.. The Church
annually allocates $800 million for promotion of its channel. Its Indian head is Rajdeep Sardesai and his wife Sagarika Ghosh.

Times group list: Times Of India, Mid-Day, Nav-Bharth Times, Femina, Filmfare, Vijaya Karnataka, Times now (24- hour news channel) and many more. Times Group is owned by Bennett & Coleman. ‘World Christian Council does 80 percent of the Funding, and an Englishman and an Italian equally share balance 20 percent. The Italian Robertio Mindo is a close relative of Sonia Gandhi.

Star TV: It is run by an Australian, who is supported by St.Peters Pontifical Church Melbourne.

Hindustan Times: Owned by Birla Group, but hands have changed since Shobana Bhartiya took over. Presently it is working in Collaboration with Times Group. The Hindu: English daily, started over 125 years has been

recently taken over by Joshua Society, Berne , Switzerland .. N. Ram’s wife is a Swiss national.

Indian Express: Divided into two groups. The Indian Express and the New Indian Express (southern edition) ACTS Christian Ministries have major stake in the Indian Express and latter is still with the Indian counterpart.

The Statesman: It is controlled by Communist Party of India. Asian Age and Deccan Chronicle: Is owned by a Saudi Arabian
Company with its chief Editor M.J. Akbar. Gujarat riots which took place in 2002 where Hindus were burnt alive, Raj deep Sardesai and Bharkha Dutt working for NDTV at that time got around 5 Million Dollars from Saudi Arabia to cover only Muslim victims, which they did very faithfully.. . Not a single Hindu family was interviewed or shown on TV whose near and dear ones had been burnt alive, it is reported.

Tarun Tejpal of tehelka gets blank cheques from Arab
countries to target BJP and Hindus only, it is said. The ownership explains the control of media in India by foreigners. The result is obvious.

courtesy: sunitablogs.com

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Wall St / Greed

Now the whole country is piling on this Bonus thing.

But few people are arguing how much is 18 billion when compared to 1800 billion losses. It might not count, but what counts is it's Tax payer's money. Government isn't rescuing home owners who're behind their home payments. If wall street is giving out Bonuses and going on leisure trips with tax payer's money, they better be prepared to face the shit.

I saw this douchebag John Thain on cnbc defending bonuses given to his staff in the month of Dec. His argument is that if we don't pay well to the smart people, they'll go to another company.

And this is the same douchebag who spent $1.2 million on his office renovation and $1400 for a trash can.

Two questions for this SoB.
1)Who're these smart people, are these the people who ruined Meryl Lynch and all other investment firms
2)Where do they go? Who's hiring?

Jonathan Alter is the first one in the media to ask a simple Question, who's hiring. Here's his Newsweek article.

Wall St probably hired a PR firm. News papers are publishing articles how bonuses are part of their compensation packages, and about their long working hours. Karma, isn't that a beautiful thing.

NY Times published this article today. But I'm not sold by their sorrow stories yet. Read the public outrage here

Here's a reader's comment which represents the nation's anger very well.

Let's see... Taxpayers, some of whom work 2 jobs for a tiny fraction of what these Wall Street "geniuses" make, bailout the banks for the tune of $700 billion.

These money worshipping "people" then give themselves $20 billion in bonuses for bankrupting the nation because they want to keep "good talent"?

Sen. Clair McCaskill is right, let's cap their pay and take back our stolen money. The last thing a single mother of 3 working at IHOP should have to do is supplement a scumbag investment banker's Rolex or Porsche.

— Andrew, NY, NY