Sunday, April 27, 2008

Darfur Genocide

I watched a very grim and depressing program on PBS Frontline about Darfur crisis. Please spare 1 hour to watch this program. I can't really write how shocked I'm, about the executions and way they doing'em.

Darfur crisis is an amalgamation of Genocide and Ethnic cleansing. Sudan denies that it's supporing the militia killing and raping the civilians but it's role is clearly documented. The reasons and causes for this genocide are very complex. Read'em here

After watching this program I'm starting to question Kofi Annan's integrity in his role as UN General. UN as by itself is very weak organization with ridiculous Veto Rule. But china kept vetoing all the resolutions about Sudan or Darfur until 2007.

China has so many Economic interests in Sudan, and it is their biggest offshore oil drilling base. Naturally its stopping all the economic sanctions on Sudan with its Veto right. Same with Russia which has almost the same bad record of human rights violation in Chechnya.

I can't really express my frustration on how china gets way with it's Human rights violation. It killed it's own civilians in Tiananmen Square. Then the attacks on Tibet monks. I'm very glad at all the bad publicity china is getting now for it's olympic torch. US has so much economic dependence on China for its economy. In other word China frickin owns US economy. So US don't want to anger China govt.

The last ray if hope in this crisis is the civilian activity and awareness. God bless all the people who're working on the case. Spielberg brought so much attention to this cause by quitting his adviser job for Beijing Olympics.

One thing I want to complain is US media. Darfur was never given importance in the Cable news or Network news. It's all about Paris Hilton and britney's Drama. God dammit America. There's so much crap in this world which is more important than American Idol. Last year an MSNBC anchor refused to cover Paris Hilton's news and tried burning that news report on the air. Around the same time AP deliberately stopped covering Paris Hilton news. Not sure why they ended it. Unfortunately not even a single day would pass without lindsay, paris or britney's news. And did you ever watch those retarded 10.30 news on FOX channel. As per them, American Idol is the most import thing on this world right now. Global Warming, Darfur crisis, Food prices, gas prices can wait.

I can just pray that this Darfur crisis ends soon and much love for the folks working for this cause.


Please find more info about Darfur here.


Monday, April 21, 2008

Hold on people : another mortgage crisis

Folks, it ain't over till it's over.
Read this interesting piece from

So what if all these upper middle class and upper class people just walk away from their homes.. even though they can afford the payment.

I've mixed feelings for people who lost their homes cause of the sub-prime crisis. Many of them bought homes which they can't afford with ARM loans and few other lost coz of predatory lending. If just the sub-prime crisis caused this much damage imagine what's the pain with the next wave of crisis.

And I can't really blame all these SoCal residents (Few Southern California pricks loved this word, trust me) walk away from their overpriced 5 BR homes. Coz the money they're paying to lender is more than the worth of the home. Moral aspect aside, I might be tempted to do this.

Recently heard on a businessweek podcast that few lenders in cleaveland and the Rustbelt are actually abondaning foreclosed homes. It's a write off for them. But this causes a domino effect. Obviously this will become a hangout for drug peddlers, petty thieves and solicitations. Property values goes down in that community and again people become skeptic about Negative amortization.

Not sure when're we gonna come out of this recession. The problem here is, no one is willing to catch a falling knife.


Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Other people's money, baby!!

Just read this

While VA employees are busy spending YOUR money in Sharper Image (I always ask my friend; who'll buy this overpriced stuff at this store) and departmental stores Veterans returning from Iraq are struggling for proper health care in Walter reed. Imagine how a veteran feels when he wasn't getting proper treatment after getting injured in a Iraqi civil war

This is all peanuts when compared to what Bush did to this country. Now avg debt for each American is $16,500. I mean to say, total national debt divided by population.

Share the pain, people.
Peace out.